The Compliance Revolution Has Begun

Walterboro, South Carolina – July 4, 2016

240 years ago today, the people of America declared their independence from Britain.  One of the main points of contention stated in their writings was “Taxation without Representation”. 

Today we have a very similar situation: “Regulation without Representation”, and Echelon Environmental’s response is to declare the beginning of a Compliance Revolution. 

Every year, more and more regulations are issued by the EPA, DOT and OSHA bureaucrats from the comfort of their concrete and marble towers.  They feel it is their duty to continually issue obscure edicts dealing with every single aspect of a business’ operations, regardless of how these mandates affect the ability of the businesspeople to maintain profitable ventures.   

a picture of bureaucracy
The EPA, DOT and OSHA masters have spoken

This ever-increasing sea of federal and state rules have passed the bounds of reason, causing injury to personal business gain and impeding the economic growth of the nation as a whole.

Therefore, commencing today, Echelon Environmental embarks on an endeavor which will render much needed help to the business owners and managers of America.  This program will be a means for businesspeople to refocus their time, strength, brilliance and effort to doing what they do best; creating the economic impetus which continues to drive the American free-market system. 

This new and innovative process will free our businesspeople from the daily strain of regulatory compliance by shifting the burden from them and onto a staff of experts who will make the utmost commitment to ensure that all regulatory obligations are met. 

Two important outcomes will be realized upon implementation of this process:

First, there will be no more fear of fines or failure in regards to the company’s compliance with the multitude of environmental protection, worker safety, and transportation rules – They will all be covered.

Second, the personnel who are currently tasked with managing your compliance portfolio will be able to turn their attention to more immediate and pressing issues – Like keeping the business profitable. 

Echelon Environmental was started by Ron Harvey to help business owners and managers deal with the burdens of the EPA, DOT and OSHA regulations.


Ron Harvey


A New Approach to Compliance

Leaking Drums

The world of regulatory compliance needs some adjustment.  We have taken it as far as it can go.  If a new attitude towards regulatory compliance is not developed, our safety programs will languish and our environmental protection plans will not progress.

I plan to be part of that change.

Shown below, I outline a new approach.  it is based on the understanding that the regulatory requirements we grapple with every day are the MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE LEVELS of PERFORMANCE.  Is the lowest common denominator where you want to operate?  I know that is not where I want to be.

Ladies and Gentlemen:  The Echelon Approach.

FOUNDATIONS:  Laying a base to build upon.

Mindset – A shift of attitudes away from the despite and resentment towards one of acceptance and inclusion. The program is the result of the way you think about it.

Agreement – A declaration of intent for the company to act responsibly towards employees, the public and the environment.

PREPARATION:  Charting a new course

Establishment – Setting up a Compliance Committee Application – Deciding which regulations apply to each operation based on the hazards and regulatory requirements

Acquisition – Procurement of the tools and equipment needed for employee safety and other requirements.

ACTION:  Putting the Plans into motion

Risk-Ranking – Determine which training programs to start with based on the relative risks posed to the employees of the facility. Communication – Inform all employees of the new initiative and their involvement in it and the importance of it. Feedback – Get feedback at several points from the workplace as to the improvements in safety and corporate compliance.

MAINTENANCE:  Maintaining the momentum

Surveys – Take regular surveys to monitor the program. Suggestions – Make a way for submission of anonymous suggestions. Regular Input – Flash in the pan training is inadequate.  Little reminders must be communicated every few days.



Echelon Environmental provides regulatory consulting and employee training for businesses subject to EPA, DOT and OSHA mandates.

Waste disposal services and on-site compliance assistance are also available.

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Need some EHS Guidance? We can demystify the regulations for you.